Singapore Art Museum

Last weekend, we took a little trip to the Singapore Art Museum. Sadly, our cameras were still on the slow boat to Singapore, so we’ll have to go back for better photos. Have a look.



ImageImageImageThe special exhibit was our favorite by far. It’s hard to do it justice with an iphone, but hopefully you can kinda tell how cool it is. Basically, this interactive diorama is a room full of motion sensor holograms depicting various Japanese festival scenes and activities. As you walk between and move around the holograms, they sing, yell, dance and play instruments. We loved it.




Happy First Day of Work, Pete!

& Happy Fall, everyone! We loved living vicariously through you and seeing all the fun Halloween costumes over the weekend. It’s a balmy 84 degrees here today…Not fall-like at all!

Today marks Pete’s first day back to work! After one quick month off, Pete found a job at Bite, a global communications consultancy. He’s so glad to be back in the saddle and out of the tiny condo every day. Thank you for all your positive thoughts and crossed fingers, and thanks to our pal Molly for making the connection! Now that the pesky (albeit thankfully quick) job search is done, we can’t wait to start enjoying Asia!