How did 4 months of 2014 get away from us like that?! I guess we’ve been busier than we give ourselves credit for!

Let’s see, what have we been up to…

1. We moved house….AGAIN! That makes a total of 5 places in 5 years for P+E. As we may have mentioned a few times, our first (brand new) condo in Singapore had mushrooms growing out of the floor…so we decided to bail. Our new condo is so pretty and bright and clean and mushroom-free.


The pool is to die for…and we’ve been taking major advantage of it + trying to shave off a few of these Singapounds we’ve gained.


2. Esme went back to Hong Kong for a week of work…followed immediately by…

3. …a visit from Mom + Dad Wilson! We actually timed it so I could meet them for their layover at the Hong Kong airport and fly to Singapore together. Seeing them at the gate felt a little like a scene out of a movie…I definitely got a little weepy. It was so great to see them and show them this crazy place we call home.

4. We all went to Bali! That trip deserves its own post. More to come.

5. Things started to get SUUUPER crazy at work for both of us…hence the radio silence. More to come on that, too.

We’ve started to get more comfortable here. We’ve met some really nice people and seen some pretty awesome things. And now that things have calmed down a bit, we promise we’ll be better at sharing them.

Until next time,